Which businesses can reopen 4th July 2020

As the town of Leicester demonstrates, the recent announcement that many businesses would be able to reopen since 4 July 2020, depends on local conditions. Rates of infection in Leicester are causing concerns and consequently, local businesses were unable to reopen.

However, for the rest of England (regional variations may apply for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) all businesses can reopen apart from those listed below:

Businesses that will remain closed

  • Nightclubs
  • Casinos
  • Bowling alleys and Indoor skating rinks
  • Indoor play areas including soft-play
  • Spas
  • Nail bars, beauty salons and tanning salons
  • Massage, tattoo and piercing parlours
  • Indoor fitness and dance studios, and indoor gyms and sports venues/facilities
  • Swimming pools including water parks
  • Exhibition or conference centres must remain closed for events such as exhibitions or conferences, other than for those who work for the business or organisation who run the venue.

It has also been announced that cafes, restaurants and shops that are self-contained and can be accessed from the outside, will still be permitted to open.

Track and Trace

As part of government initiatives to control the spread of the COVID virus, track and trace is an important element. Accordingly, businesses are requested to keep a record of customers and visitors for 21 days, in a way that is manageable for your business, and assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if needed. This could help contain clusters or outbreaks. Many businesses that take bookings already have systems for recording their customers and visitors – including restaurants, hotels, and hair salons.

Government has requested that if you do not already do this, you should do so to help fight the virus. They will also work with industry and relevant bodies to design this recording system in line with data protection legislation. Details will be issued shortly.



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