July 19th – normality to be resumed?

Release from social distancing restrictions, in England, is deferred until 19 July 2021, which for most of us, means no change up to that date. We are still required to work from home when we can and maintain the other Step 3 social distancing provisions.

However, there are a few additional concessions that will apply up to the 19th. We have summarised these below:

  • The 30-person gathering limit for weddings, receptions and commemorative events is removed and replaced with any limits set by venues to maintain social distancing guidelines.
  • An extension of pilots for large events at higher capacities, including some at full capacity such as the Wimbledon finals.
  • Easing rules in care homes, including removal of the requirement for residents to isolate for 14 days after visits out.
  • Allowing out-of-school settings to organise residential visits in bubbles of up to 30 children, in line with the current position for schools.

Fingers crossed that come the 19th, infection rates will be under control, and we really can start to get back to normal. Anyone remember what that was like?

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